In the Surrounding Area...
Agel village
The surrounding area is a haven of peace and tranquility. It is possible, even at the height of summer, to walk through the village, past the chateau and up the winding road into the countryside and not see another soul. Under a clear warm blue sky, there are views across the surrounding vineyards with only the crickets and birds for company.
Minerve village
The river Cesse, which runs 100 metres from the villa, is nothing more than a stone-strewn river bed during the summer, but for the more energetic, it is possible to walk along this all the way to the ancient village of Minerve, the most beautiful stone village built clinging to the peninsula formed by two rivers millions of years ago.
There is plenty to do and see further afield.
Recommended restaurants can be found just 5 minutes drive away in the nearby villages of Bize-Minervois, Aigne and Aigues-Vivre. There are also local epiceries, supermarkets and bakers, although a local baker visits the village every morning at about 8.30 am. Other mobile vendors visit during the week.
A large supermarket can be found about 10 minutes drive away at St Marcel, the bustling market town of Olonzac is 15 minutes away.